A few words about

What We Do

We are a prophetic platform that seeks to make the world a better place for everyone!

At the core, TVA is rooted in a commitment to the basic Christian faith in the Wesleyan orthodox tradition, firmly grounded in the holy scriptures. This is a commitment of heart, mind, and spirit. Within this broad scope, our specific mandate derives from Jesus who declared that: “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10b).

We believe that African theology must be seen and heard outside the doors of academic discourse at seminaries, church pulpits, and pinnacles of administration. While academic theology plays a critical role in discerning the value of different theological perspectives, the TVA believes that an African theology academy is profoundly interdisciplinary, enabling a wide range of approaches that include but are not limited to, historical research, ethnographic study, ecclesiological reflections, contextual hermeneutics, scriptural exegesis, intercultural interactions, action research, social criticism, missiological reflections, political reflections, issues of social justice, and systematic reflections.

The TVA fully understands that Africa has more than 3000 languages, through which African theology is communicated in various genres that include song and dance in native liturgical versions, prayers, scripture, catechisms, sermons and faith confessions, testimonies, biblical interpretation, paintings, sculptures, struggles for liberation, and debates on traditional religion and Christianity, as well as prophetic calls for change.Given who we are and to whom we belong, the TVA website focuses on the following resources: African resources. Needless to mention that the term “African” has different connotations for different people.

The Theological Voice of Africa will employ criteria of residence, cultural belonging, and engagement with the contextual theological environments of Sub-Saharan Africa. The TVA also recognizes the various resources of the African diaspora community relevant for healthy theological reflections on the societies we belong to. Some of the key Christian resources at the TVA’s disposal include African Traditional Religion and the array of non-Christian religions intrinsic to evidence-based theological debate and reflection.

Want to make a difference?

This website is a not-for-profit enterprise and as such we welcome any donations. Online information about donations may be found here! Individuals and institutions who are interested in exploring the possibility of supporting this website or expanding any area on this website are encouraged to contact the president of TVA at any time.

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